

Page history last edited by reisenauer.2@... 13 years, 10 months ago

Please see the Trip Overviews and folders on the right for more information regarding current projects, past projects and general information about MdL.   Some of this site is still being developed. 

If you are working for MdL, please feel free to create an account and join this wiki to contribute your thoughts and suggestions especially through the use of comments at the bottom of project pages. The purpose of this wiki is to allow more efficient and open lines of communication between us all.



Montaña de Luz (MdL), meaning Mountain of Light, is an orphanage in rural Honduras for children with HIV/AIDS. MdL is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Columbus, OH.


The story starts in 2005 when the newly formed Ohio State student organization, Engineers for Community Service (ECOS), began working with MdL to find sustainable solutions to technical problems the orphanage was facing. Students and advisors of ECOS first traveled to the orphanage in Honduras during spring break of 2005. After this first trip, the OSU College of Engineering and Office of International Affairs   officially joined the collaborative effort. Since 2005, teams of students have traveled to MdL every spring break to work with the orphanage and surrounding community on projects involving water quality, computers, internet, alternative energy, water capture, social enterprise, etc. This Wiki is a working documentation of and communication tool for these past and future efforts. We hope it will be useful for new OSU volunteers trying to understand our past relationship with MdL as well as help students and MdL staff better communicate project needs and specifics in real time as planning occurs in the months before spring break every year.


If you would like to see photos of previous trips, just follow this link: https://picasaweb.google.com/home



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